
Audience at the Night of Science.
The Night of Science takes place on Thursday the 12th of January in Helsinki.
Puhujia seisoo lavalla yleisön edessä. Speakers stand on stage in front of the audience. Talare står på scenen framför publiken.
The Night of Science takes place on the 12th of January 2023 in multiple locations around Helsinki.
Nainen seisoo lavalla ja puhuu mikrofoniin.
The next Night of Science takes place on Thursday the 12th of January 2023. Join the organizers of the Night of Science 2023 by signing up for the mailing list.
Kaksi ihmistä katsovat videota älypuhelimen ruudulta.
See the list of the online events that will be recorded.
Ihminen katselee tietokoneen ruutua hämärässä huoneessa.
Most urban events of the Night of Science have been moved to online. Eleven events had to be canceled.
Ihminen on nojautunut esittelypöydän äärelle, jossa on erilaisia kiviä.
The event is celebrated in the center of Helsinki and online on the 20th of January.
Nainen seisoo lavalla ja puhuu mikrofoniin.
Join the organizers by signing up for the mailing list.
