Louis Braille – 200 years of heritage

17.00 - 19.00
French Institute in Finland
Yrjönkatu 36

To mark the bicentenary of Louis Braille’s invention, we invite you to explore the creation of the Braille system and its revolutionary role in social inclusion, as well as Braille’s own life. The event is composed of various parts that approach braille and visual impairment from scientific, societal, and artistic perspectives.


17.00: Welcome address

17.05: Projection of documentary “Louis Braille, a genius 6.0” - In French with subtitles in English

17.30: Comment by Hélène Jousse, director of documentary and writer of “The hands of Louis Braille” - In French (and a little of English)

18.00: Science insights: Happiness, disability rights movement, and persons with disabilities as agents of change, by Hisayo Katsui, professor in disability studies at Helsinki University - In English

18.20: Insights from students with visual impairment, by Tiina Borgman and Susanna Halme from Helsinki University - In English

18.40: Graffiti for people with visual disabilities, by artist The Blind (Jean-Charles Souliman) – In French (and a little of English)

19.00: Wine and cheese reception

The event will be in English and in French. The venue is accessible to all.

The capacity of the event venue is 60 people.

The organizer : French Institute of Finland

Access to screening:  https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NWU2M2JjMTUtYTBmZC00MmI0LWE1NjMtOTE0MTkwZGZlN2Jj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22ff5b7e8f-3178-4bc8-8e6f-8476339e9320%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%220c77ccde-a152-4075-a15a-ff7874d40903%22%7d

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